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Last month (December 24) 421 parent/carers & young people accessed our service which led to a total of 2,026 emails, contact forms, telephone calls & meetings. Contact us if you need our advice and support.  

Contact us

 Click here to read how we can help you & our levels of support  

SENDIASS is a self-referral service for families and we require parents/carers or child/young person to complete our contact form  Click here to complete our contact form  . 

If you are a practitioner or professional, please read how to make a referral Practitioner/Professionals - How to make a referral

Our Helpline is open from Monday and Thursday 10am and 2pm - 01245 204338.

Our helpline is in high demand and sometimes you may call us and we may not be able to pick up the call.  Our helpline team may be busy responding to calls to our helpline and are not yet available to pick up your call.   You can leave a voicemail and a member of our team will get in contact with you.  Please leave a detailed message outlining the support or advice you need, alongside  your name, telephone number and email address.  A member of our team will get in contact with you either by email or telephone.  


SENDIASS are currently receiving a high volume of contacts for our service and for this reason our response time has been extended to 10 working days.  All our team are managing extremely heavy caseloads and we ask you to be patient during these busy periods.  Thank you for your patience.

SEND IASS are not able to support a family if they are receiving information, advice or support from another support service, to prevent services from 'doubling up' on offering support for one family.  Support for families are highly sought after and we are keen to reach the families who are not receiving any support.


If you get in contact with our service, we will ask you to share relevant information, such as your child’s name, date of birth and school information.  This information will be recorded on our confidential SENDIASS database.

If you are contacting our service on behalf of parents or a young person aged 16 or over, you will need to gain their permission to speak with us and share their information.

SENDIASS can access the Essex Education database, on behalf of parents.  

If you do not want your information to be recorded on the SENDIASS database, or you do not want us to access the Essex Education database on your behalf, please let us know.


If you would like us to liaise on your behalf with third parties (eg school, local authority, education services, health & social care colleagues), we would need your written or verbal permission to do so.   


We send out our evaluations following input from our service. We use all our feedback to improve and develop our service. If you have contacted us and received support from our service please take a moment to complete this.

Feedback survey