Appeal Resources
Email this pageYou can download and print our SEND IASS factsheets and flow charts. We have also provided useful information links which we hope you find useful.
SEND Tribunal forms and Guidance
SEND 35a application for appeal
from HM Courts & Tribunal Service. For appealing a decision made by the local authority not to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment (Refusal to Assess).
SEND 35 application for appeal
from HM Courts & Tribunal Service. For appealing a local authority decision about an EHC plan.
SEND 37 - How to appeal a special educational needs (SEN) decision (SEND37)
from HM Courts & Tribunal Service. A guidance for parent/carers and for young people on how to appeal a local authority decision.
SEND 7 form Request for Change form
Use this form to ask the tribunal for something, such as an extension of time, a change to a hearing date, or permission to bring another witness.
SEND 8 Withdraw an appeal
Use this form to withdraw a Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal appeal
SEND 45 Case Review Form
Send your completed form to tribunal by the. Bundle Deadline. You can find this date in the case directions document
SEND 40 - Guidance for producing a Tribunal Bundle for the First-tier Tribunal
SEND IASS Presentations
Fact Sheets
Supporting Evidence for an appeal
Gathering evidence for an appeal and points to consider to build a strong case
Reasons for the Appeal for SEND 35 form
Guidance on how to evidence the reasons for your appeal in relation to completing the SEND 35 appeal form
Online form - Reasons for the Appeal
Guidance on how to evidence the reasons for your Online appeal
Case Review Form Fact Sheet
How to complete a Case Review Form
Working Document
Guidance on how to edit and amend a working document
Flow charts
Education Health & Care Needs Assessment process
What to expect during an Education Health & Care Needs Assessment
Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment timeframe
Guidance on the process and timeframe of an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment
Refusal to Assess appeal process
How to lodge a refusal to assess appeal with the First Tier Tribunal (SEND Tribunal)
Appealing a Decision about an EHC plan
Guidance on the step by step process of appealing a local decision
What happens after lodging an appeal
Step by step guidance on what happens after lodging an appeal to First Tier Tribunal (SEND Tribunal)
Annual Review Process
Guidance on what happens during an Annual Review
Information links
Refusal to Assess appeal pack
from IPSEA
Guidelines for parent carers looking for support with tribunals or disputes
from Council for Disabled Children
Appealing an EHC plan
SOS! SEN - a national charity for parent/carers of children and young people with SEND
Appealing to the SEND Tribunal
from IPSEA