Support Groups, Respite & Organisations
Email this pageEssex County Council websites
Local Offer
Information about support services and local opportunities for children and young people with SEND – find what you need all in one place
Youth Service
Helping young people in Essex to get the most out of school, work and life, providing online activities, work experience, youth opportunities and much more
Early Years and Child Care
Early Years information for all those working in the early years and childcare sector
Short Breaks
Short Breaks gives families the chance to take a break from their normal routines and enjoy doing fun things together
Travel Training
Travel training is to help people with SEND feel more confident when travelling on their own.
Housing Support
Essex Local Offer
Help deciding where to live
National Autistic Society - Supported Living Services
Supported Living Services are for autistic adults who need extra help to live in their own homes or within accommodation, whether as tenants or owner occupiers, living alone, or with others.
Family Fund
North East Essex Health & Wellbeing Alliance
Housing Support in Colchester
Living Autism
Types of accommodation and support available for autistic adults
Refugee & Migrant Support
RAMA - Refugee, Asylum Seeker & Migrant Action
RAMA supports those who are far from home and who have nowhere else to turn. As well as the refugees and asylum seekers mentioned, there are others who may be vulnerable such as migrants with British partners and dependents, or victims of domestic violence or trafficking.
Welcome to the UK
Welcome to the UK was set up to support families from overseas to positively engage in their community.
Respite Services
Autism Anglia - Outreach and information
The Outreach programme is one of the adult services provided by Autism Anglia. It offers respite for families or carers of people over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of autism. Also provided is respite information services for families.
Action for Family Carers
Action for Family Carers is an Essex charity which support to people who have unpaid, caring responsibilities. (respite day services, clubs & activities, counselling and signposting). Operation area: Across Essex
Brighter Opportunities for Special People (BOSP)
Brighter Opportunities for Special People (BOSP) offer short break care for the children and young people with learning and physical disabilities. Operation area: Across Essex
Carers Choice
The qualified community carers can visit you at home or your loved one can attend one of their day centres. Operation area: Across Essex
Dream the Change
The organisation Dream the Change, CIC is established to bridge the gap between families of national, ethnic, linguistic & cultural minorities. They cater to children with special educational needs and disabilities and service providers in the Essex area (Colchester, Wivenhoe). Operation area: Colchester, Wivenhoe
Essex Palliative Care Children’s Respite Service (EPIC)
Providing short-break care within the home to children and young people with life-limiting or life threatening conditions. Operation area: Across Essex
Essex Short Breaks
Short Breaks gives families the chance to take a break from their normal routines and enjoy doing fun things together. Operation Area: Across Essex
Hawk Farm
Hawk Farm Resort is an education provider for young adults with complex needs, providing activities and respite care for young adults with learning disabilities in Essex.
InterAct supports young people ages 10-18 with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to get out and about in the community: so they can have fun, try new activities, make friends, and develop new skills, whilst also giving parents/carers a break. Clubs and activities are offered based in Braintree, Chelmsford, Colchester and Tendring district
Pop Essex
Pop Essex offers support & play sessions for SEND families from their current location, Braintree District Mencap premises, Braintree. They also offer respite sessions in the afternoons. Contact Pop Essex for further information on these respite sessions.
Revitalise UK
Revitalise is a national charity which provides respite holidays for disabled people aged 18 and above and carers. Operation area: National
Southend Family Play Respite Club
The Family Play & Respite Club provides sports, games, puzzles, arts and craft work and other activities for children aged 5 to 16 years with learning disabilities. Operation area: Southend, Essex
SEND Information Websites
Scope - Managing Money for someone else
How you can do this will depend on if the disabled person can make decisions for themselves. The law calls this 'mental capacity'.
Ace Education Advice
Advice and information based on current education law and guidance
Citizen Advice Bureau
A national charity and network of local charities offer confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free
Information and advice for families with disabled children
Council for Disabled Children
Working collaboratively, from policy into practice, to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people
The Dyslexia SPLD Trust
Information on Dyslexia and how to children are supported at school
IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
IASS Network
The IASS Network provide training & support to all IAS services
Helping you secure the right SEN provision for your child
Speech & Language UK
Speech & Language UK give families the confidence and skills to help their children. If you're concerned about your child's speech and language development, they can offer resources, free workshops and guidance.
Social care
Essex County Council
Supporting children and young people, aged 0 to 25 with special education needs and/or disabilities, to reach their full potential
Essex Children Safeguarding Board
Committed to work together to keep children safe, by ensuring the highest quality safeguarding arrangements and continuously improving practice
Children and Young People with Disabilities Service (CYPWD)
Supports children and young people, aged 0 to 25 with special education needs and/or disabilities, to reach their full potential
Kinship Care
Kinship carers are family or friends who step up, often during an unexpected crisis, to care for a child when their parents aren’t able to.
Support groups and organisations
Here is a selection of parent/carer support groups, but you can find further information on the Essex Local Offer Family Support and Community.
ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity - an integrated health and education service
A charitable organisation with a primary aim of providing information, support and services to those with ADHD and its many associated and co-existing conditions
Ambitious About Autism - Talk about Autism
Our online community for parents and carers of autistic children and young people - Talk about Autism is a safe online space to access information and peer support by connecting with people who can both understand the worries and share the joys as a parent or carer.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying and provide tools and information to parents and online training
Autism Anglia
Is an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia. Services in Essex
Autism Central
Autism Central provide online group sessions and one to one support for parents and carers of autistic people of all ages. All the support is provided by Peer Educators who have their own lived experience as a parent or carer of an autistic person.
Autism Central for Parent/Carers
Autism Central aims to make it easier to learn more about autism and services available to you.
Beat Eating Disorders
Beat is a UK-based charity dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. Providing information, support, and resources to help those struggling with eating disorders, as well as their loved ones.
Bright Futures - Mid Essex
Parent support group run by parents for parents with children with an ASD diagnosis or related condition, or awaiting a referral or an assessment.
Brighter Opportunities for Special People (BOSP)
Is a small independent South Essex based charity who for 30 years has been supporting families and their children / young adults who have disabilities or life-limiting conditions, by providing inclusive activities, respite care and support
Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS)
CEAS is part of the MOD's Directorate for Children and Young People (DCYP) and is established as a service for Service parents and their families, which can provide information, advice and, sometimes, direct support with any issue relating to the education of their children.
Club Inkclusion - Shoeburyness (Essex families welcome)
A friendly weekly group for children and young people for children and young people with special and educational needs and disabilities - for more information read the leaflet
DLD and ME
Here you will learn more about Developmental language disorder, access resources and find out how to raise awareness.
Dream Box Education
Whether you are looking for a one off resource, group trainings or a more bespoke and personalised level of support you are in the right place. DreamBox's 1:1 support, training and resources are all designed to support you and your autistic child to lead an enjoyable and successful life
Essex Dance Theatre
“Dance Inclusion” is for young adult dancers with learning disabilities, an exciting and inspiring approach to integrated dance.
Essex Family Forum
A parent carer forum in Essex for families whose children and young people, up to the age of 25, have special educational needs or disabilities.
Extra Support for Families
EXTRA provides positive parenting programmes and workshops for parents/carers for all age groups from pre-birth, to babies, toddlers, pre-school, primary, secondary aged. EXTRA also provides courses to help parents/carers who have children with additional needs up to the age of 25. EXTRA also offers targeted courses to help with emotional health, building confidence, domestic abuse and more.
Families inFocus
An independent parent led registered charity providing holistic support to families of children with disabilities and special needs (aged 0 to 25) across Essex, who require advice, information and support, particularly at times of change, challenge and crisis
Providing parenting advice information, an online helpline, forum community and training videos
Family Fund
Is the UK's largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people
Frontline was designed by Uttlesford Citizens Advice, but it is really a large community project where organisations and services sign up to improve people’s knowledge and access to local services.
The Glow Project
Mentoring and coaching will be targeted at those individuals and families with “additional” needs “who would benefit from or who require extra help to improve education, parenting and/or behaviour, or to meet specific health or emotional needs to improve material situation”
Kids Autism Hub
Kids is an online service that supports autistic youngsters and their parents and carers. Weekly webinars also take place.
Kinship Charity
Support for people looking after a relative or friend's child full time.
MindED for families
Providing advice from trusted experts to help families know what to do and help to understand how problems occur
To improve the lives of Neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Disorder, etc.) children and young people and their families by providing inclusive activities for children and young people, family Support, training events and signposting useful information.
National Deaf Children's Society
We help families give the best possible support to their deaf child every step of the way.
National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS).
The NYAS ‘Safety Net’ helpline service continue the national provision of advice and support.
Neurodivergent Safe Space - Southend
Neurodivergent Safe Space is a free (zero cost to attend) community support group for Neurodivergent (Autistic/PDA/ADHD) teens and young adults (13-20 years old).
The Maze Group
Run free monthly drop-in sessions, a specialist weekly programme and additional workshops to guide, advise and support families of children with additional needs. They run special educational needs & disability (SEND) parenting groups with regular coffee mornings around Essex, in Colchester, Clacton & Harwich
Pact for Autism (Harlow)
A small charity who connect a Neurodiverse community of Parents, Carers, Autistic Individuals and families along with the wider community, organisations and services
Pop Essex
POP Essex offers support & play sessions for SEND families from their current location, Braintree District Mencap premises, in Coggeshall Road, Braintree. Read more about their come and play sessions
Pop Essex
Pop Essex offer short respite sessions, after school clubs, youth clubs which include SEND Sibling & Young Carers and monthly parent/carer coffee mornings
The Sibling Group
The sibling support group offers support groups, personal stories and support resources.
Shout is the UK's first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Sickle Cell Society
An organisation that makes sure people with sickle cell get the services they need.
SNAP Charity
If you have a child between 0 – 25 years who has any special need or disability and you live in Essex, then SNAP will offer information and advice and a comprehensive online guide of useful contacts for the benefit of everyone in Essex concerned with the welfare of children and young people with special needs and disabilities
Tourette's Action
An online resource for people, families and carers of people with Tourette's syndrome
Support for children and Young People
Adult Pan-Disability Sessions
From the 5th June the Colchester United Community Foundation will be running an adult (18+) Pan-disability football session at Colchester stadium. This session is completely FREE. This is the first time they have ran an adult disability session, everyone is welcome. To book, please visit Class4kids and search the session.
Ambitious About Autism - Autism Youth Network
The youth network is for autistic young people between the ages of 13 and 25, who can access a fun, friendly and monitored online space. It is a platform for autistic young people to be themselves, share experiences and connect with others.
From Disability4Sport offers Something4Everyone through an inclusive activities that promote a level playing field and positive experiences for disabled people
Soccability Football for Children aged between 12-16 with additional needs
Soccability football for children aged between 12-16 with additional needs delivered by qualified SEN teachers - Galleywood Youth FC, Chelmsford, Essex
Essex ActiVate run by Active Essex
Access a whole host of free resources to keep your children active and entertained over the school holidays. Essex ActivAte is the new Holiday Activity and Food programme run by Active Essex in partnership with Essex County Council and funded by the Department for Education
Essex Youth Service
Online activities, schemes, work experience, clubs and opportunities for young people
Hawk Farm
Hawk Farm Resort, which is an education provider for young adults with complex needs, providing activities and respite care for young adults with learning disabilities in Essex.
This Girls Multi-Sports Club
This Girls Ability Multi-Sports Club at Writtle University College (Sports Hall) starts from Saturday (21st January), 10 - 11 am. This Girls Ability Multi-Sports is for girls/young women with disabilities aged 8-25 years old. The friendly group aims to help young people increase their confidence and fitness levels.
Providing short breaks, activity programmes, overnight stays, respite and support for young people and young adults
The Independence Project and Clubs - Chelmsford
As a registered service provider for Essex County Council, Independence Project provides fun and supportive day care and day opportunities for young adults and also as a provider of clubs and activities for ages 8 - 18.
An online mental wellbeing community for young people
Mercury Theatre
Activities for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are designed to develop creative skills and increase confidence through drama games and performance
Support for families managing challenges
Action for Children
Information for supporting children with sleeping difficulties
Action for Children
Information on supporting a child with eating difficulties
Kids Inspire
Kids Inspire provide mental health and trauma recovery support for children, young people and their families
Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS)
Supporting Parents and Professionals with child to parent abuse - regardless of whether the abuse is physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, sexual or financial, Pegs are here to support you.
A Parents Guide to CAMHS
A guide for parents and carers about NHS mental health support for children and young people, known as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or CYPMHS (Children and Young People's Mental Health Services), including how to access and work with services.
Essex Family Wellbeing UK
Support for children and families adjusting to sexual identity and relationships
Essex County Council
Request for support - getting some additional help and early intervention
The Power Project run by Child First Trust
The Power Project support children and young people aged 8 to 13 and their parents or carers to help them cope with challenging situations at home, at school and in their local communities
Reach Every Generation
Empowering young people to create change in their lives
Is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing
Young Minds
Provide young people with tools to look after their mental health and give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard
Vulnerability and Violence - Young People Support
Active Essex
Delivering ground-breaking new sport and youth crime project across Essex
Catch 22
Catch 22 design and deliver services that build resilience and aspiration in people of all ages and within communities across the UK, such as:-
Gangs and violence reduction
emotional support
missing from home
family support
The Childrens Society
The Children Society encourage young people to make positive choices whatever they are going through. If your young person is looking for employment or training, or would like support at home, they can help.
Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously.
Kids Inspire
Kids Inspire provide mental health and trauma recovery support for children, young people and their families
Kooth is an online mental health and wellbeing community site. Young people across Essex can access free, safe and anonymous support from both peers and trained professionals.
We have advice about how to spot the signs of criminal exploitation and involvement in gangs and what support is available for children and young people.
The Mix
The Mix is a website dedicated to supporting those under the age of 25 so has a broader age range if you have left school and looking for support.
Victim Support
Victim Support are here to help anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved.
Young Minds
Supporting young people's mental health and providing coping strategies