EHC Needs Assessment and Draft Plans
Email this page18th February 2025 online with SENATA Legal Services
Time: 6:30pm until 9:30
This 3 hour session covers everything you need to know about EHC needs assessments and EHC plans. The aim of the course is to provide attendees who are thinking about requesting an EHC needs assessment or who are going through the assessment and/or draft EHC plan process with a comprehensive look at the SEND legal framework relevant to assessments and EHC plans. We will look at the following:
- Legal requirements for EHC needs assessments; myths and misconceptions; procedure for assessment; ensuring the procedure is carried out properly; test for issuing EHC plans;
- Contents of EHC plans including the right to state a preference for particular education settings; responding to a draft EHC plan and the practical steps you can take to ensure it is fit for purpose and finally; what you can do if you are not happy with the final EHC plan.
There will be a Q&A session during and at the end of the training.
To book a place email: