Making Sense of SEND law
Email this pageTime: 14th January 2025 with SENATA legal services
Time 9:30 until 12:30 - Online
This 2.5 hour session has been specifically designed for parents/carers and those advising them who want a ‘rights based’ insight into the SEND framework and how it applies to education settings. The aim of the course is to provide attendees with an introduction to the relevant parts of the SEND legal framework including:
- Legal duties on education settings who are responding to children and young people with SEND including: identifying children and young people with SEN; SEN support; myths and misconceptions; what can be done if things are not going well
- The Equality Act 2010 framework; key principles; myths and misconceptions; identifying disability; the duty to make reasonable adjustments and dovetailing this with the framework for SEN support
There will be a Q&A session during and at the end of the training.
To book a place email