Post 16-what happens next?
Email this pageDate : 28th February 2025 online with SENATA Legal Services
Time : 9:30 until 12:30
This 3 hour session has been designed for parent/carers who want to know more about rights and options for post 16 education and training. The aim of the course is to provide attendees with an introduction to the relevant parts of the SEND legal framework covering post 16. We will look at the following:
- Preparation for post 16; myths and misconceptions about entitlement; annual review and amending EHC plans; contents of EHC plans with a post 16 focus including placement
- Work and training based options; education and training options when a placement is not appropriate; cease to maintain EHC plans and parent/young people rights
There will be a Q&A session during and at the end of the training.
To book a place email: