How SEND IASS can help you
Email this pageIf you are having problems with your education we can give you some help, support or advice to help sort it out. We may also be able to help with health or social care issues if they are related to your education.
We will:
- help you get the right support at school college, home or in the workplace
- make sure that people hear and understand your views
- give you information and options
- attend meetings with you if it's what's needed
- put you in touch with other people who can help
- give you independent and impartial advice.
Impartial advice means that we will not take sides. We will give you information based on the law. We will try to make sure that you have enough information and support to make your own decisions. We will not tell you what to do.
We won't:
- take sides or tell you what to do
- make decisions for you
- tell other people what you have said. The only time we would is if someone was in danger of being hurt, or if you had agreed that it was ok.
We can help you if you're in school, further education or training.
It's usually best to talk to your parents or carers before you talk to us − but you don't have to.
If you would like get in touch with us, you can complete our on-line Young Person Referral Form
We look forward to hearing from you!
Find out more about how we can help you
You can also find more information from the Information, Advice and Support Services Network (for SEND).

Frequently asked Questions about our Service
Young People’s Frequently asked questions about how we can help you