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Last month (December 24) 421 parent/carers & young people accessed our service which led to a total of 2,026 emails, contact forms, telephone calls & meetings. Contact us if you need our advice and support.  

When you are 18 years old, you are an adult and will be leaving school or college.

You may wish to consider:-

  • University
  • Apprenticeships
  • Work (employment)
  • Work Experience/Internships/Volunteering
  • Travel

Will my EHC plan continue after college?

When you reach 19 years old, the local authority must consider whether the education/training outcomes within the EHC plan have been met. If the learning goals have not been met and you need more time to achieve them, the EHC plan will continue (up to 25).

Other support is available, such as the Disabled Student Allowance

University Support

Information on applying and moving to University, help and support and disabled students allowance


Information on what to expect with apprenticeship and how to apply

Preparing for Adulthood & Tra

Information on independence, further education, training and employment opportunities