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Last month (December 24) 421 parent/carers & young people accessed our service which led to a total of 2,026 emails, contact forms, telephone calls & meetings. Contact us if you need our advice and support.  

CKX have provided a selection of videos for young people. CXK is an organisation dedicated to transforming the lives of young people and adults; providing support, advice and guidance to help them find work, or move into learning or training, and in doing so improving their life chances.  Take a look below at their videos from You Tube.

Year 9 GCSE Options Choices | What's Next for You?

This guide dives into the crucial decision-making process of choosing your GCSE options in Year 9

Year 10 Student with an EHC plan

In this video CXK's Chris Targett shares the importance of open days, especially if you have an EHCP, and covers our killer questions!

Year 11 - Post 16 Option Choices after GCSEs

In this video, Chris covers post 16 options after GCSE / post 16 options after year 11, and helps you navigate the exciting array of choices available to shape your educational journey.

Chris Targett discusses his essential questions to ask at college, sixth form, or uni open days. Whether you're exploring college, 6th form, or university options, attending an open day is crucial for gathering valuable insights.

What Are University League Tables & What You Need To Be Aware Of?

Curious about University League Tables and how they can help you choose the best university? In this video, CXK dive into everything you need to know about University Rankings, Education Rankings, and Higher Education Rankings. Discover the Best Universities and learn how to make a thorough University Comparison.

SEND Videos and Webinars

You can watch videos for Children and Young People from the Multi School Council and You Tube