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Last month 604 parent/carers and young people accessed our service which led to a total of 2,965 emails, contact forms, telephone calls and face to face meetings. Contact us if you need our advice and support.  

If the Local Authority decide not to issue a EHC plan they must let you know (within 16 weeks of the initial request), explain the reasons for their decision and tell you about your right to Mediation.

They should also let you know how they expect the needs of your child to be met within the setting and from services available in the Essex Local Offer.

They should provide clear written feedback, including evidence and reports from professionals collected during the EHC needs assessment process.

This information enables support to be planned to achieve the desired outcomes through special educational provision made by the setting and other services.

For further information please read our Appealing to SEND Tribunal section.

Also in this section:

LA refuse to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment & Way Forward Meetings

It is really helpful to find out why the local authority reached this decision. You can ask them for a ‘Way Forward Meeting’, including school to discuss their reasons.