Visual Support Resources
Email this pageVisual supports can be very helpful in helping children and young people with a range of additional support needs. They support communication and can be used in various environments and locations and in many situations.
Visual supports can be printed and laminated on A4 size paper or made smaller and attached to a keyring which is accessible by the child or young person. Staff may carry a keyring as well to prompt and model use.
Visual Supports are commonly used for:
- Timetables
- Schedules
- Choice boards
- Helping a child communicate how they are feeling
- Health and safety communication
- Supporting social communication e.g. visual scripts
- Offering a range of coping strategies.
Christmas resources
BBC Tiny Happy People
Christmas with autism and other additional needs: How families cope with sensory overload at Christmas
Great Ormund Street
Creating an inclusive festive season: Top tips by GOSH Eye Clinic Liaison Officer, Paula
National Autistic Society Christmas Tips
Christmas tips for autistic people and their families
National Deaf Children's Society
Top tips to make Christmas deaf friendly
RNIB Christmas
Download the Joy Makers’ Guide to Christmas - a treasure trove of accessible activities that everyone can take part in.
Five Ways to be deaf aware this Christmas
Snap Surviving Christmas Guide
Snaps Survival guide is is full of helpful hints, tips and strategies to support you and your family through the festive season
Visual Prompts
Easter Multi Sensory Activities
10 multi Sensory Activities and ideas for children with SEND
Inclusive Communication Essex
An online resource for people with learning disabilities - things you can borrow, picture resources and much more
Visual Support from National Autistic Society
Visual supports are a communication tool that can be used with autistic people. They can be used in most situations, are adaptable and portable.
National Autistic Society - Social Stories
Social storiesTM and comic strip conversations can help autistic people develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe.
The Autism Page - Using Rewards
Information on Visual aids and token rewards
First and Then
This prompt helps a child to understand what is happening now and what is happening next
Getting Ready for School social Story
A simple story for learners who have some understanding of language
Halloween Picture Cards
If your child cannot remember last year’s Halloween or found Halloween distressing last year, it will be important that you prepare them for Halloween this year so that they know what to expect.
How I feel about School - Child
This picture tool will help your child share their views about school
School Stress Survey - Young Person
A visual tool to help a young person express how they feel about school
Our Timetable
Pointing cards
Visual picture cards to help with communication
Printable Resources from ELSA Support
A selection of free printable visual aids such as Autumn emotional wreath, Responsibility Tree, Looking after my mental health, worry ladder and many more
Printable Resources to help children with stress and pressure from Gozen
Join over 250,000 parents and educators receiving free weekly printables teaching skills of resilience to kids, teens, and grown-ups!
Relationship circles
To help a child think about the important people in their life
Take the Nature Challenge
from GoZen
Yellow Brick Road - Where do I want to get to?
Visual Timetable Information
How visual timetables can support children with speech, language and communication needs in the early years from Council for Disabled Children