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What is a Personal Budget?

What is a Personal Budget?

A Personal Budget for SEN is money to pay for support as part of your Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). It can include funds from Education, Health and Social Care.  Young people must always be involved in planning the Personal Budget.

Sometimes the Local Authority, school or college will look after the Personal Budget for young people.  Some young people may manage all or part of the Personal Budget themselves and the money to do this will come from a Direct Payment. Sometimes someone else will manage the Personal Budget for the young person and this is called a Third Party Arrangement. Sometimes a young person can have a mixture of some or all of these arrangements.

Who can have a Personal Budget?

A young person with an EHCP can ask for a Personal Budget.  They can ask for their own Personal Budget after the end of the school year that they become 16 years old.  Sometimes the Local Authority will say no to a Personal Budget, but if that happens, they must tell you why.

What can a Personal Budget be used for?

A Personal Budget can only be used for the support that is written in the EHCP.  This can fund the special educational, health and social care support that will help meet the outcomes written in your Plan

What is the difference between a Personal Budget and a Direct Payment?

A Personal Budget is the money that is given to provide some of the provision that is written in the EHCP and says who will provide it.  The young person does not actually manage the funds themselves. A Direct Payment is given to the young person for some services and they manage the money themselves.  The young person is responsible for buying the service and paying for it. A Personal Budget can include a Direct Payment if it is agreed that this is a good way to manage part of the Personal Budget. Direct payments can be used for special educational provision only if the school or college agree.

How much will I get if I have Direct Payments?

How much you get will depend on what has been written in the EHCP, so it will be different for each person. If the Local Authority has agreed to make a Direct Payment, it must be enough to pay for the service or services written in the Plan.

We can support you if you are not sure if you need a Personal Budget and we can talk this through with you.

Also in this section:

Your Guide to Education Health & Care (EHC) Plans

Children and young people who need extra help with learning may need an Education, Health and Care plan.

About EHC Plans

Everyone will have a different plan because it is all about you. We are all different.

What is an Annual Review?

Your EHC plan will be reviewed every 12 months to make sure that it is up to date and that it still relevant for your current needs.

What can I do if the LA stops my EHCP?

When a local authority decides to stop or take away an Education Health & Care plan, this is called ceasing to maintain the EHCP.

What happens if I don't agree?

Many problems can be sorted out by talking with your school, college, local authority or health services.