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Last month (December 24) 421 parent/carers & young people accessed our service which led to a total of 2,026 emails, contact forms, telephone calls & meetings. Contact us if you need our advice and support.  

Supporting your Neurodiverse Child

Essex Family Forum, SEND the Right Message (STRM) Support Services and MyOTAS (My Own Time And Space) Charity are proud to have written and produced a pack which is full of useful information for families with a neurodiverse child.

Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child Resource Pack

Please find a link to the newly released video celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Launch of the Family Resource Pack.

Family Resource Pack Video


Also in this section:

SEN Support in Education Settings

Explaining what SEN support is, the different types of support, and what support is available to you and your child or young person.

One Planning and the Graduated Approach

Information on the graduated approach of assess, plan, do and review for all mainstream settings, including Early Years and education beyond 16

Literacy Difficulties, including where there are concerns about dyslexia

Essex Approach to supporting children and young people with literacy difficulties

Supporting Maths Difficulties

The Essex approach to teaching pupils with maths difficulties

Supporting Challenging Behaviour

Supporting challenging behaviour at school and at home

Local Authority services and how they can help

A description of Essex local authority services and professionals and when it is appropriate to involve a professional