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What is SEN or SEND?

These letters stand for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. These include ADHD, Autism, Hearing impairment, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, Learning Difficulties, Physical Difficulties and more. It is anything that makes it harder for you to learn.

What is SEN Support?

If you have special educational needs and/or disability your school or college will put SEN support in place. This should help you to make progress. SEN support can include extra help from staff, special equipment, different activities, working in small groups etc. Your support will be reviewed often. If you need more help you can apply for an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP).

What does the Graduated Approach mean?

This is how your school or college might help get you the right support. They will try a way of supporting you (an approach) and see if it helps. If you need more help they will gradually add more help, or try different ideas. They will keep checking your support is right.

What is the ‘SEND Code of Practice’?

The SEND Code of Practice is written by the government. It explains how all people with special needs or disabilities should be supported. It tells you your rights in detail. It is sometimes called its short name, CoP (Code of Practice).

How can a SENCO at school or college help me?

The SEN Co-ordinator, or SENCO, is the member of staff at school or college who makes sure young people with special needs get support. You can ask your teacher to speak with the SENCO if you might need extra help.

What is the Children and Families Act 2014?

This is the law, written by the government. It explains the rules about support for young people with SEND, and how schools, colleges, and councils, should work together to provide this.

What is mental capacity?

Mental capacity is when you have the ability to make a decision on your own. Someone might not have mental capacity if they are unwell or if they have a learning disability that stops them from understanding information or being able to make a decision. Not having mental capacity to make a decision does not mean you can’t have information, advice and support.

Also in this section:

How can I be supported at school or college?

Information on getting the support you need.

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The Mental Capacity Act Explained

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is a law that affects people age 16 or over, who are not able to make decisions for themselves.