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Moving to a nursery, pre-school, childminder or starting school for the first time or moving into a new class are often seen as a normal part of the lives of children.  However, changing and moving schools are milestone events for children and can impact on their development.  They are exciting times and times of new opportunities and growth for every child but they can also be times of uncertainty  as surroundings are not the same, expectations and procedures are different and faces as yet unfamiliar.

Transition should be viewed as a process rather than an event that involves children, parents and school together. Transition has been described as an ongoing journey rather than a destination.

Moving to Primary School

Generally, transition planning should start at the beginning of the child’s last year in pre-school.  The more complex a child’s additional support needs the more time is needed for planning and preparation.

Transition into school can be daunting for any child so good transition practices should start early, particularly if a pre-school setting have identified a child with additional needs.  Parents can arrange for their child to visit their primary school as often as they need before they start. (Additional visits are often agreed and supported where possible by the education setting staff).  Parents can ask if their child could meet their new teacher, teaching assistant and any other support staff on their own.

Taking photos for a book or asking if school would provide one – my new school book – is often useful.  Many Pre-school leaders make books for their children after their school visits, with photos of the new school staff, favourite toys, activities or environments enjoyed whilst there, such as playground, sensory room, sport equipment etc. These can then be taken home to share and talk about with parents and family.

Further information on transition tips can be found on Changing School or Key Stage - Transition Tips and in the information links below.