Toileting Tips
Toilet difficulties can be common amongst children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and they can be stressful to them and to their families.
If your child or the young person is experiencing bowel/bladder issues which are related to a health condition, schools have a duty to meet these needs.
Issues with toileting can be due to a medical condition and may be defined as a disability under the Equality Act 2010. Some children or young people may need to wear continence pads and should not be refused admission to educational settings on the grounds of this as the educational setting has a duty to make reasonable adjustments.
You can read our information on Supporting Medical Needs
Please have a look at the following links if your child is suffering as consequence of wetting and soiling problems:
You can also watch a video from the Essex Local Offer on Toileting Tips
Easy Read resources for young people:-