Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment
Email this pageA request for a EHC Needs Assessment is the first step towards an assessment being agreed and an EHC Plan issued.
An assessment can be requested by:
- a parent;
- a young person over the age of 16 but under the age of 25;
- an early years setting or school, but only after talking with you first;
- any professional working with the child or young person.
You should work with your child’s school/early years setting before requesting an EHC needs assessment to make sure all possible strategies have been put in place and all available resources have been used appropriately.
We have created a Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment flow chart
How to apply for an EHC Needs Assessment
Essex Local Authority have created a parent/carer request form and permissions form (links below). The request form indicates the information that is needed in order to give full consideration to your request for an EHC Needs Assessment. It is helpful if a permissions form is sent in with all requests for an EHC needs assessment.
EHC Needs Assessment Request Form - Parents/Young People
Alternatively, you can use this IPSEA model letter to make a parental request for an Education, health & Care Needs Assessment.
SEND IASS are offering online sessions monthly for parents and carers who are wanting to make an application.
This will be a 2 hour session online via Zoom with Essex SEND IASS. The session will focus on how to complete the EHCNA request form along with top tips of wordings and evidence suggestions to submit.
Dates for online sessions
17th Sep – 10-12
23rd Oct – 10-12
21st Nov – 10-12
To book, please email us your contacts details/child's details on or call our helpline on 01245 204338
Gathering evidence & completing EHC Needs Request form
Advice on gathering the right information for an EHC Needs Assessment and hints and tips on completing the request form.
EHCNA Frequently Asked Questions
Parent/carer questions on making a request, timeframe of assessment and what happens next
How long does the process take?
Information on the timeframe of the 20 week assessment - what happens week by week
Also in this section:
Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments
A brief introduction to the Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment process
What is an EHC Plan?
Read or listen to our video on what is an EHCP and who is it for
When a Local Authority should carry out an EHC Needs Assessment
Guidance on what a LA must consider for an assessment request
Gathering Evidence & Completing an EHC Needs Request form
Advice on gathering information for a parental EHC Needs Assessment and hints and tips on completing the request form.
How long does the process take?
Information on the timeframe of the 20 week assessment and what to do if the local authority have not carried out the assessment correctly or kept to the legal timeframe
EHCNA Frequently Asked Questions
Parent/carer questions on making a request, timeframe of assessment and what happens next
Local Authority decisions around EHC Needs Assessments
Information on LA decisions around EHC Needs Assessment.
Health and Social Care Elements of an EHC Needs Assessment
Support on providing the LA with information about your child or young person's physical, emotional and social development and health needs.